Textbook 3.2.4

Problem 1, 4, 5

Textbook 3.3.1

Problem 1, 3

Textbook 3.5.1

Problem 2, 4

Textbook 3.6.1

Problem 5, 6

Textbook 3.7.1

Problem 5

Textbook 3.8.1

Problem 1, 4

Textbook 3.9.1

Problem 4

Textbook 28.2.1

Problem 1

Textbook 28.4.4

Problem 1

Extra questions

  1. Write an R script that when run performs the following:

    1. assign \(x=5\) and \(y=6\)
    2. calculate \(\ln(x + y)\)
    3. calculate \(\log_{10}(xy/2)\)
    4. calculate \(\sqrt[3]{x} + 2\sqrt[4]{y}\)
    5. calculate \(10^{x-y} + e^{x+y}\)
  2. Why does the following code not work?

      my_variable <- 123
    ## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'my_varlable' not found