Combine tables



We already know a lot about flights:


nycflights13 has >1 tables:





Relational data

Multiple tables of data are called relational data.


A key is a variable (or set of variables) that uniquely identifies an observation.

  • A primary key uniquely identifies an observation in its own table, e.g., planes$tailnum

  • A foreign key uniquely identifies an observation in another table, e.g., flights$tailnum

Mutating joins

Combine variables (colums) from two tables.

Demo tables

    x <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_x,
         1, "x1",
         2, "x2",
         3, "x3"
    y <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_y,
         1, "y1",
         2, "y2",
         4, "y3"

Inner join

  • An inner join matches pairs of observations whenever their keys are equal:

    inner_join(x, y, by = "key")

Same as

    x %>% inner_join(y, by = "key")

Outer join

  • An outer join keeps observations that appear in at least one of the tables.

  • Three types of outer joins:

    • A left join keeps all observations in x.

    • A right join keeps all observations in y.

    • A full join keeps all observations in x or y.

Duplicate keys

What if the keys are not unique?

  1. One table has duplicate keys.

    x <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_x,
         1, "x1",
         2, "x2",
         2, "x3",
         1, "x4"
    y <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_y,
         1, "y1",
         2, "y2"
    left_join(x, y, by = "key")

  1. Both tables have duplicate keys. You get all possible combinations, the Cartesian product:

    x <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_x,
         1, "x1",
         2, "x2",
         2, "x3",
         3, "x4"
    y <- tribble(
      ~key, ~val_y,
         1, "y1",
         2, "y2",
         2, "y3",
         3, "y4"
    left_join(x, y, by = "key")

  • Letโ€™s create a narrower table from the flights data:
    flights2 <- flights %>% 
      select(year:day, hour, origin, dest, tailnum, carrier)

Defining the key columns

  • by = NULL (natural join): use all variables that appear in both tables:
    # same as: flights2 %>% left_join(weather)
    left_join(flights2, weather)
## Joining, by = c("year", "month", "day", "hour", "origin")

  • by = "x": use the common variable x:
    # same as left_join(flights2, planes, by = "tailnum")
    flights2 %>%  left_join(planes, by = "tailnum")

  • by = c("a" = "b"): match variable a in table x to the variable b in table y.
    flights2 %>%  left_join(airports, c("dest" = "faa")) # match destination, not origin
    flights2 %>%  left_join(airports, c("origin" = "faa")) 

Filtering joins

Combine observations (rows) from two tables.

    top_dest <- flights %>%
      count(dest, sort = TRUE) %>%


  • semi_join(x, y) only keeps the rows in x that have a match in y.

  • Useful to see what will be joined.

    semi_join(flights, top_dest)
## Joining, by = "dest"


  • anti_join(x, y) keeps the rows that donโ€™t have a match.

  • Useful for diagnosing join mismatches.

    flights %>% 
      anti_join(planes, by = "tailnum") %>%
      count(tailnum, sort = TRUE)

Set operations

  • Generate two tables:
    df1 <- tribble(
      ~x, ~y,
       1,  1,
       2,  1
    df2 <- tribble(
      ~x, ~y,
       1,  1,
       1,  2

  • intersect(x, y) returns rows that appear in both x and y.
    intersect(df1, df2)

  • union(x, y) returns unique observations in x and y.
    union(df1, df2)

  • setdiff(x, y) returns rows that appear in x but not in y.
    setdiff(df1, df2)
    setdiff(df2, df1)