If it’s not in source control, it doesn’t exist.


Source: PhD Comics.

Collaborative research

Statisticians, as opposed to closet mathematicians, rarely do things in vacuum.

In every project you have at least one other collaborator, future-you. You don’t want future-you to curse past-you.

Hadley Wickham

Why version control?

Available version control tools

We use Git in this course.


I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First ‘Linux’, now ‘git’.

Linus Torvalds

Centralized version control

Svn is a centralized version control system:

Distributed version control

Git is a distributed version control system:

What do I need to use Git?

Git workflow

Git survival commands

Git basic usage

Branching in Git

Sample session | Getting started with homework

On your local machine:

Etiquettes of using Git