
This lecture note is based on Dr. Hua Zhou’s 2018 Winter Statistical Computing course notes available at

What is cloud computing

It’s not in cloud

Why we care about cloud computing


There are many vendors out there. Good for customers (us). They all work similarly.

We will demonstrate how to start using GCP.

Using GCP Compute Engine: basic workflow

  1. Set up GCP account.

  2. Configure and launch VM instance(s).

  3. Set up connection (SSH key).

  4. Install softwares you need.

  5. Run your jobs.

  6. Transfer result.

  7. Terminate instance(s).

Step 0: set up GCP account

GCP free trial:

Step 1: configure and launch a VM instance

Step 2: set up SSH keys

There are several ways to connect to the VM instance you just created. Most often we want to be able to SSH into the VM instance from other machines, e.g., your own laptop. By default, VM instance only accept key authentication. So it’s necessary to set up the SSH key first.

mkdir .ssh
chmod go-rx .ssh/
cd .ssh
vi authorized_keys

Copy your public key to authorized_keys and set permission

chmod go-rwx authorized_keys

If you don’t have a public key, then you may want try password authentication. To do this, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file by

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

and uncomment the line

#PasswordAuthentication yes 

Don’t forget to comment out the line

PasswordAuthentication no 

Then, add password to your account by


Finally, restart the ssh daemon by

sudo service sshd restart
ssh $(YOUR_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NAME)@    ## actual ip address should be different

Step 3: install software

yum is the default package management tool on CentOS. Most software can be installed via sudo yum. sudo executes a command as a superuser (or root).

Install R/R Studio Server

sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum update -y
  • Install R (it takes a couple minutes)
sudo yum install R -y
  • Install wget, which is a command line tool for downloading files from internet.
sudo yum install wget -y
  • Download and install the most recent R Studio Server. It is version 1.1.463 as of November 11, 2018.
sudo yum install rstudio-server-rhel-1.1.463-x86_64.rpm
rm rstudio-server-rhel-1.1.463-x86_64.rpm
  • The R Studio service starts immediately. Let’s check if it is running properly by triggering the following command.
sudo systemctl status rstudio-server.service
  • By default, port 8787 used by R Studio Server is blocked by VM firewall. On GCP console, go to VPC network and then Firewall rules, create a rule for R Studio Server (tcp: 8787), apply that rule to your VM instance.

  • Now you should be able to access R Studio Server on the VM instance by pointing your browser to address

Set up a regular user

  • Key authentication suffices for most applications.

  • Unfortunately R Studio Server (open source edition) does not support key authentication. That implies if you want to use R Studio Server on the VM Instance, you need to enable username/password authentication.

  • As super user e.g. johann_won, you can create a regular user, say wonj:

sudo useradd -m wonj

The -m option creates the home folder /home/wonj.

  • You can set password for a user by
sudo passwd wonj
  • Now you should be able to log in the R Studio Server from browser using username wonj and corresponding password.

  • To SSH into VM instance as the regular user wonj, you need to set up the key (similar to set up key for superuser).

  • If you want to enable the regular user as a sudoer, add it into the wheel group:

su - johann_won
sudo usermod -aG wheel wonj
su - wonj

Install R packages

  • When installing R packages, it often fails because certain Linux libraries are absent.

  • Pay attention to the error messages, and install those libraries using yum.

  • E.g., try installing tidyverse may yield following errors

ERROR: dependencies ‘httr’, ‘rvest’, ‘xml2’ are not available for package ‘tidyverse’
* removing ‘/home/wonj/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.4/tidyverse’

You can install these Linux dependencies curl, openssl, and libxml2 by:

sudo yum install curl curl-devel -y
sudo yum install openssl openssl-devel -y
sudo yum install libxml2 libxml2-devel -y

Install Git

  • Install Git on VM instance:
sudo yum install git -y
  • For smooth Gitting, you need to put the private key matching the public key in your GitHub account in the ~/.ssh folder on the VM instance.

  • Now you can git clone any repo to the VM instance to start working on a project. E.g.,

git clone

Step 4: run your jobs

git clone

Step 5: transfer results

Step 6: terminate instance(s)

Go forth and use the cloud