
M1399.000100 Computational Statistics @ SNU 2023

This is the course website for M1399.000100: “Computational Statistics” at Seoul National University in Spring 2023. Assignments, lecture notes, and open source code will all be available on this website.



Joong-Ho (Johann) Won

Email: wonj AT stats DOT snu DOT ac DOT kr

Class Time and classroom: TTh 15:30 - 16:45, 24-101

Office Hours: By appointment.



Course Objectives

The development of computer technology in recent decades has made it possible to use complex statistical models in statistical analysis that were previously unimaginable in practice. Therefore, in order to use modern complex and diverse statistical models, it has become indispensable to learn various statistical computing methods using computers. In this course, you will learn statistical computing methods for parametric and Bayesian statistics and implement them on a computer. This course covers the following topics:

Course Overview


The course will be graded based on the following components:


The following schedule is tentative, and is subject to change over the course.

Week Topic Textbook Chapter Assignment Due Date
1 Git and Github, Computer Arithmetic Open in GitHub Codespaces - Homework 0 2023-03-17
2 Computer Arithmetic [github] - Homework 1 2023-03-30
3 Direct methods for linear systems: LU decomposition Open in GitHub Codespaces 2장    
4 Direct methods for linear systems: LU decomposition [github] 2장    
5 Direct methods for linear systems: Cholesky decomposition [github] Open in GitHub Codespaces 2장 Homework 2 2023-04-23
6 Direct methods for least squares: QR decomposition [github] Open in GitHub Codespaces 6장    
7 Iterative methods for linear systems [github] Open in GitHub Codespaces 6장    
8 Solving nonlinear equations [github] Open in GitHub Codespaces 3장    
9 Optimization [github] 4장 Homework 3 2023-05-14
10 Optimization 4장    
11 Numerical integration [github] 5장    
12 Numerical integration 5장    
13 Random number generation 8장 Homework 4 2023-06-11
14 Monte Carlo integration 9장    
15 Final Exam