
Advanced Statistical Computing @ Seoul National University, 2021

Course Project

Proposal due: 2021-10-25 @ 11:59PM

Presentation: 2021-12-08 and 2021-12-13 (tentative)

This page lists some potential course project ideas. The goal of the project is to review recent developments in statistical computing, implement in Julia, and compare the related methods. Three (3) students should team up to accomplish the goal. Each team is required to choose one paper from the list below (no duplication is allowed) and submit a project proposal by the due date.

Stochastic optimization

In large-scale optimization, often the objective function or its derivatives can only be estimated. In this case, stochastic methods come to rescue. Recent developments include:

Optimal Design

In design of experiments, optimal designs are a class of experimental designs that are optimal with respect to some statistical criterion. Recent algorithmic developments include:

Mixed integer optimization for model selection

Model selection is a difficult statistical problem with an exponential complexity. A typical example is high-dimensional linear model with L0 penalty. Nonetheless, recent progress in mixed integer optimization (MIO) has made large-scale problems tractable. They include: